Score: 745
This guy gives me a bad review because I wouldn't share the parts of a build I did; when he has no intention on buying it. For months this "gentleman " has tried to "trade" me the same guns of his that no one would buy. He did this on multiple guns I sold to thin my heard. So I told him once he sells the guns and has cash, to send me a message. But that doesn't work for him he said, because the money he gets is going into "a build " he's doing. Then all of a sudden he says he sold some of his guns and wants a complete parts list of my build. I might have been born at night, but not last night!! Lol So I told him if he did a little research he could figure out the parts from the description and pictures I have posted. Then this man baby started getting upset and left me a bad review. I'm not sure what his issue is, but if he came to me and was honest; I would have helped him out. I don't like tire kickers that waste people's time on purpose. If anyone who really cares, I have all the texts to show what happened. Anyways, everyone have a great New Years.